Zhejiang Lanxi Shanye Machinery Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 手动液压搬运车,堆垛机,升降台,电动搬运车,电动堆高车和全电动叉车

Zhejiang Lanxi Shanye Machinery Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the transportation equipment industry for 30 years, providing customers with conventional logistics transportation equipment with high cost-effectiveness, including manual and electric series of transport trucks, manual and electric series of stacker trucks, manual and electric series of platform trucks, and counterweight forklift trains. At the same time, with conventional products as the platform, innovative products as the driving force, and customer needs as the main driving force, we have successively developed products with expansion, tilting, and forward movement, Multi directional, multifunctional, multi form, all terrain logistics handling equipment with functions such as gripping, rotating, and weighing, meeting the needs of customers in different fields for reliable, convenient, and efficient handling。